Cloud Resource Property Manager Logo

Quick Start

Install cdk and crpm, and deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack.


The easiest and recommended way to get started, would be to launch a Cloud9 cloud IDE and perform this tutorial in it.


  1. Check your version of Node.js. Cloud Resource Property Manager (crpm) is a command line Node.js application written in TypeScript, so Node.js needs to be installed in order to use crpm.

    node -v

    You should have v10.13.0 or greater installed.

  2. Install AWS CDK (cdk), Cloud Resource Property Manager (crpm), and TypeScript globally.

    npm install -g aws-cdk
    npm install -g crpm typescript

Quick Tutorial

  1. See a list of available resources that can be imported.

    crpm ls
  2. Create a new directory for infrastructure.

    mkdir infra
    cd infra
  3. Initialize a new CDK application.

    cdk init app --language typescript
  4. Import S3 bucket template files.

    crpm i storage/s3/bucket
  5. Open res/storage/s3/bucket/props.yaml for editing.

  6. Uncomment the accessControl property and assign it ‘Private’. After doing so, your file should contain a line that looks like this.

    accessControl: 'Private'
  7. Save and close res/storage/s3/bucket/props.yaml.

    At this point, you could also edit lib/infra-stack.ts, but this tutorial does not require changes to that file.

  8. Deploy the stack.

    cdk deploy
  9. Destroy the stack.

    cdk destroy